Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Winters Bone- Chillingly Amazing

Let me start out this post by telling you all how utterly bone chilling this film was.  As a person who rarely gets attached to films, I find this film to be so exquisite that it has actually made its way into my personal DVD collection, which is a first.  Jennifer Lawrence, known for her stunning performance as Katniss Everdeen, is absolutely phenomenal as 17 year old Ree Dolly.  Ree is a young girl who dropped out of high school to look after her deranged mother and two younger siblings after her father goes missing for a year.  She soon finds out that her father had put the families home up for bond and if he did not show up for his court date, her family will be evicted from their home.  Ree goes to great lengths searching for her father and encounters some very difficult obstacles along the way.  If you haven't watched it, I won't spoil it for you. But be forewarned there will be an overwhelming amount of tears shed.

On to a more important topic.

This film was written, directed, and produced by women, which is something that does not happen often in the independent sector.  Women in the independent sector find it more difficult (in relation to white male film makers) to find funding, and get distribution. Women are often given little choice but to work in the independent sector, this is usually due to the fact that they tend to go beyond what is generally permitted in the mainstream, or because it is the only place that options are available for them.  In the film industry, women are seen as risky when it comes to writing, directing, and even playing the leading role in films.  Some stereotypical opinions of these films refers to the films as "chick flicks", identifying women as the projected audience, whereas a if the film was written, directed, and lead by a male there would be a more vast projected audience.  Another belief held about women film makers is that most of their subject matter revolves around feminist ideals, which is not always the case.  Which brings me to my next topic.

Is Winter's Bone a feminist film?

To be completely frank, I do not believe that Winter's bone is rooted in feminism, I do believe that there may have been some culturally constructed ideas of feminism in this film, such as having a female lead, and focusing in on the well-being of the children, and the emotions behind the film, but not enough to be considered deeply rooted in feminism.  In fact, I believe that those are the reasons that this film is as gripping as it is.  I think that if this film wasn't as gritty and violent it may have been considered a feminist film. 

All politics aside, I highly suggest watching this film simply because it is amazing. The acting is phenomenal and the grit of this movie really gives this film a sense of realism, that is absent in most mainstream films.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Do the Right Thing- Fight the Power

In last week’s class we watched the film Do the Right Thing.  This was one heck of a film, I have never watched a Spike Lee film before and have always heard people talking about how amazing his films are, and now I can officially say that I have given into the hype.  The multi-strand narrative format really made the film seem more dimensional.  I liked how Spike used Mookie to tell connect the characters in the film and to be the one that breaks the race barrier by working with Sal and his son’s.  One thing that I thought was interesting was that Spike Lee wrote, acted, directed, and produced this film, I wonder what filming was like? Anyways, I like the fact that this film addressed the political topic of racism and drew attention to tensions from both viewpoints.  Another thing that I found interesting was that this film was made around the time that the Rodney King Riots were going on, and really shone a light on racism and police brutality.  Many people say you shouldn't mix art and politics but I think that if it is done in a way that evokes discussion then it is absolutely necessary.  I feel that film is an especially great way to bring attention to a cause especially when the ones who are watching the film are unaware of the cause and or far from the cause.  A few months ago I watched an independent film called 5 broken cameras which was filmed by one man who recorded the daily occurrences in his town, and it really drew a light on the situation in Gaza that I was unaware of.  This film piqued my interest and I did more research on it independently.  For this reason, I think that film is a great outlet for politics to either inform or grow interest in a topic.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Blue Velvet- Review! and then some

In this weeks class we watched the film Blue Velvet.  This film was so bizarre that I couldn't turn away.  This film encompasses the same stylistic drives as film noir.    Jeffery Beaumont, home from college to visit his sick father, is caught up in a compelling mystery that drives him to investigate on his own.  While walking home from the hospital, Jeffery finds a strange object hidden in the grass after further examination we find that it is a human ear.  Distraught, Jeffery rushes the ear to the police and asks them to investigate.  The detective asks Jeffery to remove himself from the investigation because it is private information.  Unable to keep away, Jeffery solicits the help of the detective's daughter Sandy.  Sandy tells Jeffery that she overheard her father talking about a specific apartment as a site of interest.  It is from here that the real nail biting starts to happen.  This movie is great at keeping its audience in a state of suspense.  The film spirals from crazy to freakishly bizarre as the movie progresses.  This movie seemed to be more on the Hollywood side, but had many of the bizarre characteristics that would make this film seem more Indie than Hollywood.  One thing that made the movie a bit hard to watch was the acting, it was either overdone or bland.  Nothing special there. 

Things that I have noticed througout the film. 
  1. I'm not going to lie, Frank Booth played by Dennis Hopper, really scared the crap out of me.
    2. Laura Dern has by far the ugliest fake cry I have ever had the misfortune of seeing.

    3. The song " Blue Velvet" has been stuck in my head since the day we watched the film.
                                      I like the Lana Del Rey version better.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Little Miss Sunshine

This week's assigned reading was Indie Opposition: Happiness vs. Juno.  In this section, we learned that not everything that is presented to us as "Independent" may not be completely independent.  We read about how  even though a film may come from a independent film maker, the film maker may be making the film under a production company that gives the film maker a big budget.  These films are so similar to Hollywood films that they are actually blurring the line between Indie and Hollywood films. 

In this week's class we watched Little Miss Sunshine .  I think that this film by far, is my favorite film we have watched this semester.  I believe that the reason for this is because, it is more of what I am used to seeing in Hollywood-style films.  Although this movie was not completely similar to the big budget studio films we are used to seeing at the theaters, it is typical yet quirky enough to pique the interest of any film goer.
To be completely honest, I can not decide whether to categorize this film as Independent or Hollywood.  This film definitely contains elements of a mainstream Hollywood film, but then it contains all the quirk that is characteristic of Independent films.  The way the story flowed was very Hollywood  like, with no unconventional methods of story-telling or episodic narrative structure, and was very straight forward.  Even though the story line was very streamlined, there movie was filled with quirk and oddities that are characteristic of Indie films.  The characters themselves are the only source of quirk in this film.  One example of this is the uncle Franks suicide, for someone who was distraught enough to take his own life, he seems to be very positive.  Another example of the quirk in the film is the family's display at the pageant.  Olive is not as glitz'd up as the rest of the girls in the pageant and to some, she sticks out like a sore thumb.  I thought that Olive was actually the prettiest girl there because she was natural, and not wearing three wigs.  Her performance was truly unique thanks to her Grandpa, and soon into her performance the whole family joins in.  Another example that I thought was hilarious was when the family stole grandpas body.  Now that is something you won't see in a Hollywood style film!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wendy and Lucy

In class last Thursday we watched a movie called Wendy and Lucy.  At first I wasn’t sure what to expect, but when we finally began to watch the movie, I was drawn into the story.  The story is very raw and realistic, and definitely makes a statement about one element of society that is typically not focused on in major Hollywood style films.  I think that this film really addresses a major social problem in society, which is poverty.  It tells the story of a poverty stricken woman named Wendy, and her journey to Alaska.   The story literally follows Wendy through her days in a town that she was “Just passing through”.  We are shown everything that happens to Wendy, and we also see the sacrifices she made in effort to preserve her life.  We watch her sacrifice her money, loose her car, her dog, and calculate her money after every transaction.  This movie really lets you see first-hand how bad poverty can be.  In today’s economy almost everyone is hurting financially, people are struggling to pay bills and are working more and barely making ends meet, and these people actually have jobs.  Imagine how bad it would be if you were homeless, no job, hardly any money, and no family.  We tend not to look outside of our own little bubbles and focus on how bad we have it, when in reality there are people that are living in much worse conditions.  This film really makes you think twice about what you have, and forces you to realize that one day, you may lose it all.  This film definitely brought a (TON!) of tears to my eyes.   It was interesting to see poverty through a young woman’s eyes, things become more real (for me at least), when I see someone who near my age group going through this hard time.  When I heard that the film maker said that the movie was not supposed to be political, it dropped a few points on the creative scale, in my mind at least.  When watching the film I strongly felt that main idea of the film was to make a statement about poverty in America, the political viewpoint made it more interesting.  Knowing that this was a just a personal film made it a little more lackluster for me.  I thought the film maker was trying to creatively send a message, but I guess not.
Overall, if you’re looking at this film from a political viewpoint, it’s amazing.  But if you are looking to watch it for kicks there really isn’t much going on for it, in my opinion.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pulp Fiction Film Review

In class for the past two weeks, we watched Quentin Tarantino’s hit film Pulp Fiction.  In 1992, Quentin Tarantino was always seen as an independent film maker, but today the name Tarantino is well known in the film making industry.  Just this year Tarantino released his new film Django Unchained which has now grossed over 186.76 million dollars.  Personally, I have never heard of Quentin Tarantino until I watched his newest movie Django Unchained, which I personally thought was amazing.  I thought he was always a big time Hollywood film maker, until I read that he was actually an independent film maker.  When I heard that we were going to watch a Quentin Tarantino film in class I was excited to find out how Quentin Tarantino made his name in the world of film making. 

                Pulp Fiction was said to be the prize possession of Miramax.  This is because it was the first independent film to gross over 100 million dollars at the box office.  Essentially, the esteem this film had, had also given Miramax esteem as well.  It proved that there was still room for independent films in the market. ( Ronald Bergan,2006)
                Pulp Fiction was probably one of the best movies I have watched in a while, its satirical flavor, take on pop culture, and unconventional method of story-telling are elements of this movie that I believe make this movie stand out.  My favorite scene in the movie involved Vincent and Joules.  Vincent, who is played by the plump John Travolta, and Joules, who is played by Samuel L. Jackson work for a man named Marcellus Wallace.  Vincent and Joules do Marcellus Wallace’s dirty work, which involve killing those who double cross him and delivering his possessions. 
Vincent and Joules are hilarious, although the plot is very serious and the manner in which they say their lines are meant to be serious, they just come off to be very satirical.  One thing that I noticed, actually you would have to be deaf to notice, is the overuse of profanity.  Although the terms used in this film may be controversial to those with sensitive ears, I found that the profanity really added to the hilarity of the film. 

Another element of this film that really allowed it to stand out in my eyes was the films take on pop culture.  Typically in Hollywood style films, it is rare to hear the characters of the film speaking about elements of pop culture amongst each other.  In Pulp Fiction there are many instances where elements of pop culture are discussed.  In the opening scene, Vincent is telling Joules about the McDonalds in Amsterdam.  Vincent tells Joules that in Amsterdam the Quarter Pounder is not called the Quarter Pounder; instead it is referred to as a Royale with cheese.   There was also a conversation about Big Kahuna Burger, Joules talks about how he has longed to try a Big Kahuna Burger just before killing a man who had double crossed Marcellus.  Also, there is a scene about Vincent and Marcellus’s wife where they go to Fat Rabbit Slims, which is a 50’s themed diner whose waiters and waitresses are all dressed as iconic people of the 1950’s.
I think that the reason that this movie is pretty unique is because of its unconventional method of storytelling.  The beginning is also the final scene.  As a member of the audience, the method of storytelling is a fun and avant-garde way of presenting the pieces of this film.  Even though in the order they were presented the scenes did not fit together, each scene could stand independently and was amusing and was able to effectively tell a story.  This was one of those movies where you are constantly sitting in your seat adding things up, trying to figure out the story line.  Although some people dislike this method of storytelling, I believe it really makes the movie more interesting and adds to the fun yet wild feel of this film.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Mystery Train- A Multi-Strand Narrative

This week in Contemporary Cinema we watched the film Mystery Train by Jim Jarmusch.  Having never watched a film by Jarmusch, I did not know what to expect from this movie and was not familiar with his style.  To be completely honest, when I heard the name of this movie, I was scared it was going to be a bit like Harmony Korine’s bizarre film Julien Donkey Boy. (Thankfully it was not as grotesque, but it still encompassed similar-but not equal- emphasis on the main characters)  To my surprise I actually enjoyed the movie and was able to understand the filmmaker’s artistic point of view and was able to appreciate the movie because of this.  This movie was different from many of the movies I have ever seen because the film maker chooses to use different form of narrative that is more complex than a typical Hollywood narrative.  Jarmusch uses a multi-strand narrative plot line which shows us the same period of time through viewpoints that are different yet intertwined.
                This film is separated into three different parts, and uses three completely different groups of people.  In the first part “Far from Yokohono” it follows two Japanese tourists Jun and Mitzuko travel to Memphis  on their quest to visit Graceland and all of the Elvis related landmarks.  They stop at a hotel for the night, and end up making love, when they finish they fall asleep listening to the radio; the radio host says that it is 2:15 a.m. and the song “Blue Moon” by Elvis begins to play.  The next day as the couple leaves the hotel they hear a gunshot, which they disregard.  
Between each of the scenes there is dialogue between the bell boy and the owner of the hotel, along with a warning about a group of armed robbers and that it was 2:15 a.m. and the song “Blue Moon” by Elvis Presley played.  This same sequence is replayed again and again until the end of the story.

In the Second part of the film entitled “Ghost” a young woman named Louisa who is recently widowed is accompanying her husband’s corpse back to Italy but their travel is halted when the plane is grounded until the next morning, she wanders the town in search of a place to sleep she finds a hotel and plans to rent a room for the night.  As Louisa walks in she trips over a woman named Dee Dee who is stumbling out of the hotel arguing with the man at the front desk, who tells her that she does not have enough money to rent a room for the night.  Dee Dee recently left her boyfriend and sought out the hotel to rest in until she boards a train leaving town the next morning.  After hearing this Lousia decides to pay for the room and share it with Dee Dee.   As the night progresses and the girls decide to go to bed the two women hear noises coming from the next room (we are lead to assume that it is the love-making sounds from Japanese couple in the next room), Dee Dee decides to turns the radio and the radio host tells them that it is 2:15 a.m. and the song “Blue Moon” by Elvis Presley begins to play.  As the song ends Louisa believes that the ghost of Elvis Presley has visited her, terrified she stays up for the remainder of the night.  The next day as they are preparing to leave, the two girls hear a gunshot and disregard it, just like the Japanese couple.

In the third part “Lost in Space” Johnny (Dee Dee’s ex-boyfriend, who is nicknamed Elvis), Charlie (Dee Dee’s brother), and Will ( Johnny’s best friend) become entangled in a murder committed by Johnny to get free alcohol.  The group of men ride around town until they find the hotel and beg the owner, Will’s brother-in-law, to let them stay the night for free.  The owner reluctantly accepts and the men go upstairs and find a picture of Elvis hanging on the wall, Johnny turns it around and the guys begin talking, they look for a radio to turn on but there is no radio in the room.  They end up falling asleep and the next morning before they leave, Johnny puts the gun to his head in attempt to kill himself, Charlie tries to take the gun away from him and Johnny ends up shooting Charlie in the leg.  The hotel manager sends the bell boy up to their room to see what is going on.  And that is when we realize that the gunshot that the Japanese couple and the two women heard was the shot fired from the men in part three of the film.

As you can see, this film had a lot of repetition, which to some people can be seen as annoying, but without the repetition of parts you would not be able to see how the multiple-strand narrative came together (temporal overlap).  These scenes were not connected by obvious factors, in order to understand how the story fit together you need to pay attention to the details.  I feel that because the filmmaker chose to present the information in this manner it keeps the audience interested and anxious to finally understand the connection to the three different stories. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this film, it was put together in such an interesting way that it kept me attentive throughout the whole movie.  I really liked that the plot line wasn’t predictable, which really added to the film’s mysteriousness.  One thing I didn’t understand though is the title,( I wish I did!) it would only make this film that much more awesome in my book , maybe I overlooked it? Oh, well! It was still a great movie!